Wednesday, June 27, 2012

6 Most Impotant Perks Klout Offers You!

Klout, like it or not you are in for the long haul. As the mass hysteria continues to arrive with force, supporters and opposition alike fuel its arrival. That’s why Klout presents many avenues for you to succeed. In theory any topic that presents argument will likely continue to gain momentum, with continuous discussion or settling into the standard, but Klout is already establishing itself in your life. As with all transition, change will always remain, but are you taking advantage of opportunities or complaining about change that’s inevitable? For those of you willing to, "seize the moment", read further to "Take Your Influence by the Horns."

My last post titled “Topic Non-Sense or Not,” explained how the topics listed your Klout Topics page benefit topics you choose, added by another or Klout, and topics you talk about that are listed or not can affect your score. I also promised to share tools that Klout offers and how they benefit you. To make this as simple as I can, I have compiled a list. The list is made up of the Most Powerful Tools Klout offers you, when it comes to online influence.

6 Most Important Perks Klout Offers You:

  • One Topic that Engages Multiple Topics – Klout is one topic that makes your chosen topics more relevant and allows topics that appear to have no relevance to you be established.
  • Variable Interaction to Connection of all Levels - If all topics are shared through multiple channels, connection will happen to different Influence Levels who also influence the same topics you choose.
  • Method to Establish Your Online Brand - +K’s streaming through the internet with your brand or individual name attached and engagement established on it that demands some reaction also creates a searchable and recognized name. 
  • Ability to Control your Specific Results – Your choice of topics are endless and so are your adjustments. Any topic can be removed and any trending one added. In turn this can amplify you or your brand value.
  • Residual Impact – The +K Tweet’s and Facebook updates, letting all know that you’ve received or given a +K, is ongoing and the connection you make with continual exchange by other K Influencers becomes more than exchange, it becomes dependable also establishes loyalty value. 
  • Justifiable Influence – Klout is more than a gimmick it’s the present and the future for online influence. Debating if Klout is or isn’t the standard of online influence, a waste of time, or a topic to gripe about changes only time. Using the tools given by Klout will leave an impression that no one can debate.   

“He who influences the thoughts of their times, influences all the times that follow; He has made his impress on eternity.”      - Thomas Kempis                                                                                                                               

Monday, June 18, 2012

Topic Nonsense or Not?

What about your topics make sense to you? The obvious topics listed on your Klout profile, that you influence, are understood. Now it’s time, similar to signing up for a Klout Perk, “Take Your Klout Score by the Horns!” I have said this before and I will say it once again, “a topic on your Klout topics list is there for a reason!” The step to becoming relevant in social media may be right in front of you and furthermore your amplification with online presence, possible.


There are many influential people that attempt to make a presence with specific topic choices but understand this, all topics on your list affect your score and others not on the list, do as well. The amazing thing about Klout is that it measures your influence based on the content you’ve created, shared, the amount of followers you have, followers that comment, comments you leave, content shared again, and the huge revolving cycle of information that “you” are involved in. What does that mean? Engagement made you relevant thus far not having a profile about your topic(s). If you create or even share content that encourages engagement like the above then you will see your score move. Why?  

   I have a secret and you can’t tell anyone, and I mean anyone! You already have influence on all the topics….ding! You’ve won! Alright, so it wasn’t rocket science that you’ve already established some following about some subject online, well unless, you’re one of those weird information trolls aka “timeline stalkers.” A majority doesn’t realize how many tools are right in front of them. You see, Klout is not your influence it’s a platform or medium to standardize your influence thus making it a vessel for amplification. You’ve already established your experience and no matter what level, if the topic listed is by choice or given by Klout, or even given by another users; your lack to utilize what you have in front of you is where your influence stands.

   Woah, my friends, information overload! Take a little time to grasp the fact that Klout isn’t what makes your influence happen, you are. Look at Klout as another social media relationship, the more you interact with it, recognize it, share it, and what it offers the more it grows and as it grows, you do. As for the tools it offers and how they benefit you that will have to wait until my next post. Thanks for your continued support and remember to +K or your influence stays….where it is. 

   Follow K-Fluent and Understand Your Influence!

Monday, June 4, 2012

What is Klout, Really?

Awards! No, Klout isn’t having an awards show, but you can view Klout, as a reward! 

How can Klout possibly be a reward, you say? Opinions can and will vary about the subject of Klout and a lot of skeptics attempt to discourage it. I’m not here to discredit skeptics because there’s always a purpose for opinion, without it we would all agree, thus nothing has value. I want to say personally, currently monetary value for the work I do on the internet is zero. That’s right, I make zero and I work for every penny of it. I say that, not for pity, but to inform I have no individual persuasion or need to support Klout. I ask you to keep an open mind so you can actually see benefit in what Klout can do for you. Forget what skeptics say and form your own opinion now. 

Let me start with my user name DazeHub, currently I have all social media networks available to connect on Klout, connected. 
According to Klout Support

The Average Klout Score Is 20

DazeHub (Me) is Currently

Why does the score matter? Let me explain. If the average score is 20, which isn't a bad score and usually means you, for the most part, you may dabble in social media or maybe have no specific purpose and again, I make no money on the internet, nor is my job based on the above score. There’s many things you can do on the internet, dabble, like, laugh at other conversations and staying a twenty may never matter to you, but as for my network, there is a big picture. If you are reading this post, your network I assume, has one as well.  So, let me show you why the score matters. 

In my previous post, “Klout Starts at Consistent” and “9 Ways to Increase Your KloutScore,” which I’m sure you’ve already began applying the steps to your daily regiment of social media and I too live by what I’ve shared in the previous two post. I have more that will help you, but you have to start with those post. 

My time in social media, as a serious networker is very short. However, applying the previous steps increased my score in a matter of weeks by the approximately the average score 20. If you don’t believe where I started, ask my good friend Justin Matthew. I began Klout with a score around 45, give or take. I’ve watched my score increase at times by a point a day. No More Bragging, but I would like to also add that when Justin first approached me to join Klout, he was at 60! I won’t get into what he’s accomplished since then, but as you will see, we all contribute to one another. I credit him for influencing me and encouraging my success, thanks Justin for your continued support and friendship! 

In a month, after applying the steps from my previous post, my score increasing, and my ever increasing network of friends based on the increase this is what’s occurred. 

This is from DazeHub on Klout today. I’ve increased who I’ve reached by over 3K. What does that matter?  That increase the amount of people I reach per tweet, status update, etc., to my true reach being. 

Increased from 2K to       

Ok that isn’t enough? Well Klout also tells me how my reach increases based on my Amplification and that also increased with reach and depending on the type of people in my network. My amplification increased by


This meaning, after I’ve reached the 5K, that my potential ability to reach even farther just increased by 35 points to a total
I increased from a 10 to 45 in a month and what does that matter?

That’s the best part and if you've applied the steps you should've already seen changes, let give you a little more. You will like this one. 

So what does the score increase do for you? I want you to take a look at my next increase because it looks small compared to 3k and 35 points. However, listen to why it is the most important. I took time to build quality relationships. What I mean by quality, is this. My first post asked a question that went similar to this in saying, do you want to do with 10 followers what people with 100K can do? 

My answer to that is to increase your network by quality.

This means, between a score of 1 to 100, the quality of my network and its impact to reach others is about half after adding 15.33 points in a month.

My score increased because, my network gained impact. Although the number seems small compared to the other changes, all the changes started with this one. This means people listen to us and share because they believe in quality over quantity. How do I know this? My last pictures show it all. 

I will take one of my network connections, DazeHub on Twitter.

I used TweetReach, to see just how my network helps me others. 

On this day, I purposely did minimal activity, and look at the picture below to the bottom right. 

I had 10 tweets and 11 replies, and that is all. My Network Retweeted my post and/or replies only 29 times then ended with 170,561 impressions. I did little work and left over 170,000 impressions.

My last screen shot is brought to you by a “Perk” from Klout, none the less. It is called, BottleNose which is an application given in beta form and really gives you a large advantage one being this SONAR ABILITY.

I would say below was a great day. Now are you listening? 

Join all you can in my network, I stand by any of them, and follow Klout Busters on Facebook. I will soon post specific tips and strategy to help; we can be the standard of Influence.

Thanks to Klout Busters who allows me to share my knowledge of social media with you and to my entire Network, I would be nothing with out you. 

I would like to give a Shout out to my Love Kerri Brock for standing by me in all I do.

Another shout to a friend you must have in Social Media
herself for being a great support and loyal friend.


Monday, May 14, 2012

Klout Begins at Consistent

Have you found one thing that you really like to share with others and it seems to be popular? Look at what you publish, share, and discuss in social media. What gets the most attention from your audience? Odds are you have topics on the Klout Topics page that you have real interest in and ones that you never really concentrate on but have a major influence about. Some topics are added by other influencers and some you see added by Klout. Do you have any idea why you have the extra topics that appear to have no relevance to you?

Have you ever taken time to understand why you have such an influence in the topics you find unrelated to your interest? There’s a very good chance what you are attempting to establish as a target Klout Influence, may be just an extra. Any topics that show up on your Topics Page do not show up because they’re irrelevant. You’re lack to recognize the topic as an interest to you doesn’t mean you don’t appear to be authority in the subject. You may be influencing the extra topic when the topic that will drive your extra influence sits beside it on the topics page.

Do you take two hours a day pushing content about your interest, building your network, establishing authority? Well have you noticed topics outside of your main priority seem to stay at the top consistently and you don’t think you influence it at all? Wait a moment, didn’t we already cover the fact that topics don’t show up if they are irrelevant? I would say they contribute a great deal to your Klout. If they are consistently at the top you may have a key component to your Klout and I will explain why in the following steps.

Facts to consider about Consistency and Your Personal Klout Goals

·    If the Topic is there, it’s because you do influence it.

Topics are listed because you share, discuss, or create information about the topic in some way and the topic does contribute to your Klout Influence. If it’s at the top you have what I consider a successful medium for all topics.
·    If the topic stays consistently at the top you also influence it consistently.

Consistency is the main contribution to your Influence figure out why you are consistent and use it. You talk about the topic somewhere find where and take advantage of the benefits. Remember how many different people you connect with and how many connections they have as well. Just because topics may not seem relative doesn’t mean they can’t be. Connections come from various topics let each build on the other.

·   Consistency establishes you as a reliable source and builds recognition as a dependable one. 

Your focus is to gain influence you can’t build influence without consistent connection to a network of influence. Multiple connection possibilities throughout various channels of communication allows for consistent connection. Using multiple angles to become more influential not only gives you a variety of value, it also gives less reason to burn out in one topic.
Your measure of the relevance between topics may be the one obstacle stopping your success. As you see from the facts above, everything is relevant to influence. Give yourself value in multiple areas and build trust as a source, even if the topics seem to have no apparent connection to topics you are interested in you always have tools at your disposal.

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Get your TweetReach

Everyone Get Your Tweet Reach and See If You Are Making an Impact Get your TweetReach Get your TweetReach

9 Easy Ways to Increase Your Klout Score

1. Build a Network of Value

The key to increasing your Klout score is similar to finding success on any social network in general: Build an engaged network of people who would be legitimately looking for you and interested in you and your content. Every step after this can only make it better.

2. Create meaningful content and a strategy 

Create or include meaningful content that your network loves to share with others. Keep it simple but stick within boundaries. Provide all with links if available!

3. Engage as many as possible
Actively interact with others in a helpful and authentic way. Ask questions, answer questions and create a dialogue with your followers. This not only builds your support for them, it increase possibility for more discussion. Discussion will bring attention; will also increase your Klout!

4. Concentrate on What you do, not People with High Klout

Any behavior that falls outside the basic strategy, puts you in uncharted territory, and will eventually catch up to you. For example, specifically targeting a conversations with high Klout influencers, most likely will be annoying, not successful. Keep your focus on your network strategy, topics, and content, you’ll succeed in becoming a recognized influence.

5. Don’t be afraid to interact with a 10 or 20 Klout score

It won’t hurt your own score. In fact, it helps build their score by talking and in turn makes you more of an influencer. Remember the entire networks success will be your success.

6. Publish Content! 

Anything thing you can attach your name to that's of value to one may also be of value to millions. Remember, you don’t have to be in entertainment or elected to office to have power now. All you need to do is publish. Access to free publishing tools such as blogs, video, media, and Twitter have provided users with an opportunity to have a real place to build an audience, so take advantage of any platform you can.

7. You should be proud of your score

People with a score of 10 also have an audience. Don’t get discouraged by your score. It’s more important to just enjoy your social media experience and be proud. As we all know if you get discouraged, followers will be too if they listen to what you say.

8. Share tips for Socials

Sharing tips even if it means links to other users content still becomes a reason for all to return. If you are sharing anything and it came from you and anyone retweets, likes, comments, or shares you’re the post, it will also include you! Anything that includes you contributes to Klout.

9. Include all Social Media Klout will Allow

Klout allows you to connect other networks such as Facebook, Youtube, Foursquare, and LinkedIn networks. Klout states when you add new networks it doesn't decrease your Klout score, so you should try to connect it too. Start a small community for all to be part of. The more you have available for connection, the more you have Klout!