Monday, May 14, 2012

Klout Begins at Consistent

Have you found one thing that you really like to share with others and it seems to be popular? Look at what you publish, share, and discuss in social media. What gets the most attention from your audience? Odds are you have topics on the Klout Topics page that you have real interest in and ones that you never really concentrate on but have a major influence about. Some topics are added by other influencers and some you see added by Klout. Do you have any idea why you have the extra topics that appear to have no relevance to you?

Have you ever taken time to understand why you have such an influence in the topics you find unrelated to your interest? There’s a very good chance what you are attempting to establish as a target Klout Influence, may be just an extra. Any topics that show up on your Topics Page do not show up because they’re irrelevant. You’re lack to recognize the topic as an interest to you doesn’t mean you don’t appear to be authority in the subject. You may be influencing the extra topic when the topic that will drive your extra influence sits beside it on the topics page.

Do you take two hours a day pushing content about your interest, building your network, establishing authority? Well have you noticed topics outside of your main priority seem to stay at the top consistently and you don’t think you influence it at all? Wait a moment, didn’t we already cover the fact that topics don’t show up if they are irrelevant? I would say they contribute a great deal to your Klout. If they are consistently at the top you may have a key component to your Klout and I will explain why in the following steps.

Facts to consider about Consistency and Your Personal Klout Goals

·    If the Topic is there, it’s because you do influence it.

Topics are listed because you share, discuss, or create information about the topic in some way and the topic does contribute to your Klout Influence. If it’s at the top you have what I consider a successful medium for all topics.
·    If the topic stays consistently at the top you also influence it consistently.

Consistency is the main contribution to your Influence figure out why you are consistent and use it. You talk about the topic somewhere find where and take advantage of the benefits. Remember how many different people you connect with and how many connections they have as well. Just because topics may not seem relative doesn’t mean they can’t be. Connections come from various topics let each build on the other.

·   Consistency establishes you as a reliable source and builds recognition as a dependable one. 

Your focus is to gain influence you can’t build influence without consistent connection to a network of influence. Multiple connection possibilities throughout various channels of communication allows for consistent connection. Using multiple angles to become more influential not only gives you a variety of value, it also gives less reason to burn out in one topic.
Your measure of the relevance between topics may be the one obstacle stopping your success. As you see from the facts above, everything is relevant to influence. Give yourself value in multiple areas and build trust as a source, even if the topics seem to have no apparent connection to topics you are interested in you always have tools at your disposal.

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