Monday, June 18, 2012

Topic Nonsense or Not?

What about your topics make sense to you? The obvious topics listed on your Klout profile, that you influence, are understood. Now it’s time, similar to signing up for a Klout Perk, “Take Your Klout Score by the Horns!” I have said this before and I will say it once again, “a topic on your Klout topics list is there for a reason!” The step to becoming relevant in social media may be right in front of you and furthermore your amplification with online presence, possible.


There are many influential people that attempt to make a presence with specific topic choices but understand this, all topics on your list affect your score and others not on the list, do as well. The amazing thing about Klout is that it measures your influence based on the content you’ve created, shared, the amount of followers you have, followers that comment, comments you leave, content shared again, and the huge revolving cycle of information that “you” are involved in. What does that mean? Engagement made you relevant thus far not having a profile about your topic(s). If you create or even share content that encourages engagement like the above then you will see your score move. Why?  

   I have a secret and you can’t tell anyone, and I mean anyone! You already have influence on all the topics….ding! You’ve won! Alright, so it wasn’t rocket science that you’ve already established some following about some subject online, well unless, you’re one of those weird information trolls aka “timeline stalkers.” A majority doesn’t realize how many tools are right in front of them. You see, Klout is not your influence it’s a platform or medium to standardize your influence thus making it a vessel for amplification. You’ve already established your experience and no matter what level, if the topic listed is by choice or given by Klout, or even given by another users; your lack to utilize what you have in front of you is where your influence stands.

   Woah, my friends, information overload! Take a little time to grasp the fact that Klout isn’t what makes your influence happen, you are. Look at Klout as another social media relationship, the more you interact with it, recognize it, share it, and what it offers the more it grows and as it grows, you do. As for the tools it offers and how they benefit you that will have to wait until my next post. Thanks for your continued support and remember to +K or your influence stays….where it is. 

   Follow K-Fluent and Understand Your Influence!

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